Green inside, green outside

Green inside, green outside

Towards a plastic-free future

By now, no one doubts how harmful plastics are to the environment and to people’s health. We could give a thousand reasons to try to convince that the use of non-biodegradable materials is incredibly harmful to the planet, but it is already quite clear… Or is it?

We know that plastic can take hundreds of years to degrade completely. We know that our oceans are full of plastics and microplastics that we ingest through fish and that pollute the environment and marine ecosystems. We know that rivers and mountains are full of non-biodegradable materials that not only pollute the environment, but are also harmful to flora and fauna. We know the impact plastic has on human health. However, despite all this, we continue to consume and manufacture all kinds of plastic products and packaging. The cosmetics industry alone produces 120 billion packages every year, the vast majority of which are made of plastic.

This is why it is important not only to consume eco and organic products, but also to pay special attention to packaging (and buy in bulk whenever possible!).

Organic food and biodegradable packaging

In this sense, it is essential for organic food to use biodegradable packaging that does not harm the environment. It’s not just a question of eco products being sustainable on the inside, but also on the outside. Therefore, environmentally friendly packaging must take care of the planet and be in line with the 7Rs: redesign, reduce, reuse, repair, renew, recover and recycle.

To recognize companies that strive for innovative and sustainable packaging, there are the following awards Ecodesign Awards organized by Ecovalia, which highlight the best packaging for ecological and organic products. The competition rewards packaging that is not only sustainable, but also looks sustainable.

The awards Ecodesign Awards awards value products that have a sustainable image and environmentally friendly packaging and whose materials are recycled.

Pay close attention at the supermarket to products that meet these characteristics (and have the green leaf label!) and get them whenever you can.


  1. Try to buy products whose packaging contains biodegradable materials (this also applies to shampoos, toothpastes, creams, gels…).
  2. If you have to buy something that comes packaged in plastic: REJECT IT!
  3. Reuse containers whenever possible. Glass, for example, is perfect for storing leftovers, works as a tupperware and is ideal for food storage.
  4. If you can, participate in the cleanup of the environments you visit by picking up the non-biodegradable trash you find (this can be a very good activity with children).
  5. Don’t throw it away, recycle it! We are very bad used to throw away everything that breaks down, but it is important that we recover the old habits: repairing is the key to stop consuming at the rate we do.
  6. Open your eyes: practically everything we consume is wrapped or made with plastic, from food to cleaning products, from personal hygiene products to the packaging of what we buy online. It is important that we educate ourselves and start looking at the packaging and wrapping of what we consume: is it really necessary to buy bananas or avocados in a polystyrene tray wrapped in plastic wrap? Of course not!


  1. Greenpeace report: Recycling is not enough. Plastic packaging waste management in Spain.
  2. Ecodesign Awards
  3. The sustainable plastic revolution reaches the cosmetics industry
  4. Microplastics in food: their effect on health and how to reduce them
Organic food for children

Organic food for children

Tips for introducing organic food to children

Children are also capable of appreciating organic and balanced food, even if we sometimes underestimate their palate! Sometimes we avoid offering them foods that we think they will not like or enjoy, but the reality is that children tend to be more open and curious than adults.

During childhood, we develop a special sensitivity to the flavors and foods around us, understanding the importance of caring for the planet through organic food and creating memories around it. That is why it is important to educate children about the value of organic food, which benefits both them and the planet.

Here are some tips for introducing organic food to children.

  1. Education matters

Education is fundamental for children to understand the importance of eating eco and organic. Before bringing organic food to the table, it is crucial to educate children about the importance of choosing foods that respect the environment and are beneficial to them. In a simple and playful way, explain the difference between conventional and organic foods, highlighting how the latter are grown without harmful pesticides and chemicals.

  • Going to the supermarket is an adventure!

Involve children in the process of buying organic food. Visiting local markets, organic farms or specialty stores can be an exciting adventure. Let them touch, smell and choose fruits, vegetables and other products. This direct interaction gives them a deeper understanding of where food comes from and fosters a positive connection to organic choices.

  • Cooking together what we are going to eat

Making meal preparation a family project creates a special connection with food. Invite children to participate in the kitchen, choosing fresh and organic ingredients. Explain how each ingredient contributes to wellness and how the cooking process can be both fun and tasty.

  • Snacks healthy

Transform everyday snacks into balanced, eco-friendly options. Substitute fresh fruit, vegetable sticks with hummus or organic nuts for processed crackers. Encourage children to try new combinations and flavors and turn snack time into an opportunity to discover natural delights.

  • A story on my plate

Create interesting narratives about the provenance of the food that arrives on the table. Explain the story behind each dish, from the seed to the organic bread you put on the table, highlighting how choosing organic food contributes to the preservation of the land and biodiversity.

  • My own urban garden

Creating an urban garden with children is an educational and enriching experience that goes beyond simply planting seeds. This project provides children with the opportunity to learn about nature, the life cycle of plants and the importance of sustainability. By getting involved in soil preparation, planting seeds, watering and daily care, the children develop practical skills and also gain knowledge about the importance of healthy eating and respect for the environment. Cheer up! It is not that difficult.

7. Lead by example

Children learn best by example. By incorporating organic foods into your own daily diet, you will be setting a positive model for your children. Share your experiences, explaining why you choose certain foods and how they contribute to your overall well-being.

Let’s make every bite count toward a greener, more nutritious future for our sons and daughters.

Transgenic and GMO foods Why should we avoid them?

Transgenic and GMO foods Why should we avoid them?

Have you ever wondered about transgenic and GMO foods? Do you use them? Do you know why we should avoid them? Today we are going to talk about it.

The use of transgenic foods and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is undoubtedly one of the most controversial issues in the food industry. Are they good? Are they bad? These products, incredibly popular in industrial and large-scale production, raise important questions about their impact on human food and the environment.

But what exactly are transgenic and GMO foods?

GMOs are genetically modified organisms, i.e. plants or animals that have been genetically altered in some way. GMOs are the basis of transgenic foods, those containing genetically modified ingredients that incorporate genes from other species in order to improve their characteristics . For example, tomatoes that are more resistant to pests or grains that tolerate herbicides better.

One of the main arguments against GM foods is their impact on the environment. While it is true that GM foods have increased resistance to pests and herbicides, this can lead to increased dependence on agricultural chemicals, which contributes to increased environmental pollution and soil degradation. In addition, the release of GMOs in nature generates a great impact on biodiversity and genetic contamination of native species.

Always choose organic food

Organic products are produced using sustainable practices that respect the environment and promote biodiversity. And, most importantly, they are free of GMO and transgenic ingredients, making them the best choice for those of us seeking a healthier and more ecologically conscious diet. Organic food is grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, chemical herbicides or artificial fertilizers. Instead of relying on chemicals, the use of sustainable farming techniques such as crop rotation, composting and raising livestock in grazing systems is encouraged. This not only reduces soil and water contamination, but also respects the health of farm workers. It’s all benefits!

Why choose organic food?

  • Health

Organic products tend to be healthier, as they do not contain pesticide residues or genetically modified ingredients.

  • Animal welfare

Organic products ensure animal welfare.

  • Environmental protection

Organic and ecological food production is more environmentally friendly because it uses sustainable practices and is focused on the conservation of natural resources.

  • Biodiversity enhancement

Promoting biodiversity and soil health is fundamental to organic food production, which benefits local ecosystems.

  • Support for local agriculture

Opting for organic and ecological food means supporting local and sustainable farmers, which is essential to contribute to local economies.

Have you taken a look at your refrigerator? You may find transgenic foods easily substituted by eco and organic products. Review GMO foods and replace them with eco foods. Make the switch and say goodbye to GMOs!

Remember that to find them, just look at the label: if it contains the Euroleaf, it’s organic!

What is greenwashing?

What is greenwashing?

The lie behind pseudo-organic foods

Have you noticed how many brands try to disguise their products with an “eco” appearance? Some even dress their food with green colors and add words like “natural” or “artisanal”. You have probably come across a number of these pseudo-ecological or pseudobio products and you may even have been taken for a ride more than once.

This is what we call greenwashing.

A deceptive marketing trick to mislead consumers into believing that they are organic products when in fact they are not. Don’t be fooled, if a product does not carry the label that certifies that it is really eco, it is because it simply does not meet the requirements to be so.

Some companies or organizations want to appear environmentally responsible, but in reality they are not committed to sustainability or protecting the planet. So you know, keep your eyes open and don’t be seduced by false “green” promises.

Don’t be fooled

There are several ways to identify greenwashing. At first glance, they may appear to be organic foods, but if you look closely you will see that they are not. If you don’t want to be fooled, follow these steps.

  1. Conscious purchasing

Often, due to the rush, the pace of life we lead or the thousand things we have in our heads, we go through the supermarket throwing things in the cart without stopping to look at what we are buying. This is the best way to sneak pseudo-ecological foods into your shopping, so stop and take a good look at what you buy.

  • Research and labeling

The packaging and labeling of this type of product often leads to confusion (it is designed to do just that), but with a little bit of eye it is not at all complicated to detect greenwashing. For starters, if it contains the words “green”, “natural”, “artisanal”, “traditional”… start to get suspicious. If a supposedly organic turkey is surrounded by this kind of verbiage, it probably is not. These gimmicks often hide products with an authentic green appearance, but in reality, many of them do not meet real sustainability standards. If, in addition, the label is green or has an aesthetic reminiscent of nature, be suspicious again! This is more common than it seems: big brands we all know include greenwashing in their practices or have included it at some point. But if you still have doubts when you look at the packaging, research the brand: go to their website, find out about their production methods; if they are not eco, you will know right away.

  • Green leaf

These products, in addition to an aesthetic that is reminiscent of green, often include claims that suggest environmental responsibility. But true environmental responsibility is much more than a nice phrase in an advertisement; it is always determined by the Euroleaf. If it does not have the seal, it is not organic.

Be wary of misleading seals; many of these products include fake seals with green sheets and slogans such as “100% recyclable”.

  • Ecological, organic or biological

This is very simple: all eco products contain one of these words (or their abbreviations eco and bio) on the label. If they do not appear, they simply are not. It’s as clear as day!

If you still have any doubts, check here how to recognize an organic product!

However, All this is not to say that many brands are not making efforts to improve their products, reduce plastic in their packaging or try to be “greener”. All of this is a positive thingOf course, but that does not mean that we are dealing with organic products. We encourage you to carefully read the information on each product with the Euroleaf.

With this you have more than enough information to detect greenwashing.

Benefits of organic food

Benefits of organic food

So that you have no doubt

Organic food and beverages are good for you and good for the planet, but do you know exactly what the benefits of consuming organic products are?

We explain it point by point (there are quite a few!).

Slowing climate change through carbon footprint reduction

Organic production undoubtedly generates a smaller environmental footprint. The most prominent example is the organic olive grove, which reduces the carbon footprint by up to 100%. To protect the planet, organic food is the only way forward.

Maintain species biodiversity

Eco-production processes improve soil fertility, do not harm other species and prevent the greenhouse effect. In addition, crop rotation is beneficial for the environment and for the soil.

Ensuring animal welfare

Farms that carry out organic production guarantee animal welfare. In these farms, animals have access to open air spaces, are fed naturally and the use of hormones and antibiotics is avoided.

Recovering and preserving the rural world

Organic production has played a key role in the development of rural areas thanks to the generation of employment, the incorporation of young people and the fight against depopulation. In addition, they ensure a greater presence of women in the agricultural sector.

Supporting local agriculture

To consume eco is also to support local farmers who suffer the negative consequences of the massive food industry. Go green and local!

Maximum quality assurance

The organic production system is a system that respects the biological cycles of food. This ensures that the food retains all its vitamins and minerals. In addition, organic fertilization provides adequate amounts of water to maintain a balance between dry and aqueous matter in the feed. Few products on the market have a higher quality guarantee than organic feeds.


A kilo of organic product contains a higher percentage of food than a kilo of conventional product. This is mainly due to the difference in fertilization, which contributes less water to the feed. Remember: organic fruits and vegetables have an incomparable flavor that is not found in non-eco foods. Let’s go back to flavor..


Consuming organic food is simply the best decision to preserve and protect the environment and ensure a sustainable future for us and for generations to come.

Are you convinced? Your choice is important for ecology and the environment, so remember to look for the green leaf whenever you choose your food. The future is on your table!

How to recognize organic food

How to recognize organic food

You may be an expert organic product tracker or you may have been taken for a ride more than once. Either way, sometimes it’s not so easy to tell the difference between organic and non-organic products.

Some supermarkets facilitate the task by including complete islands or aisles dedicated exclusively to fruit, vegetables, wine… in short, to organic products. However, it is not always that simple. The fact that the supermarket offers this section does not guarantee that all products are truly organic. Unfortunately, the supermarket has been invaded by pseudo eco-foods. In this situation, we want to help you to be an astute consumer and be able to identify products that are organic.

Look for the Euroleaf! This is the key

All EU eco-products must have a label certifying this. It is therefore very easy to recognize them: just look for the Euroleaf.

The Euroleaf is a label granted by the European Union to products that meet a series of requirements. As it is regulated, we ensure that foodstuffs bearing this seal on their label are indeed organic.

Remember that organic production implies, of course, respecting the rules of organic farming. Therefore, for a food to be labeled with the Euroleaf, it must comply with these standards. These are the fundamental principles:

  • Prohibition of the use of GMOs.
  • Prohibition of the use of ionizing radiation.
  • Limiting the use of artificial fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides.
  • Prohibition of the use of hormones and restriction of the use of antibiotics only when necessary for animal health.

Green that I love you… green?.

Don’t be fooled by simple green packaging on a supermarket product. At first glance, you might assume it’s an organic food, however, just because a product’s packaging is ‘apparently eco’ doesn’t mean it really is.

We have all fallen into the trap at some time, so do not forget that it is mandatory to label organic products in all EU countries with the Euroleaf we have already talked about.

This label certifies that the product complies with the standards and requirements established to be considered organic/organic/organic -all synonyms-.

You already have all the information! Now you just have to put it into practice. Remember that by buying organic products you are taking care of the planet and your future.

You may also be interested in: Ecological, bio, organic…. What is the real difference?